Monday, September 8, 2008

Beauty tips for the eyes - What causes dark circles?

Most of us were taught that sleeping late causes dark circles. Fortunately yours truly wasn't bugged with that problem despite being an owl.

So I think it's really quite individualistic. I thought some are blessed with immaculate complexion while some are simple borned with dark circles.

Which many years later, I've managed to gather the fact that sleeping late causes dark circles are pretty much a myth. Ok, one may be blessed and borned with heavenly complexion, but none are borned with dark circles. Nah uh.

Some stuffs to take note in order to prevent dark circles, otherwise worsen:

1) Never, ever rub your eyes
Why: When the blood vessels or veins beneath the skin become irritated or enlarged, bluish green shadows appear. Vascular inflammation can be caused from seasonal allergies, especially in the spring and summer when many people suffer from pollen and grass cutting allergies. - Source

2) People with sinus have the tendency of having dark circles - now, please don't get too complacent and think that sneezing means someone is thinking of you. It's actually worsening your dark rings.
Why: Constant sneezing can cause tiny blood vessels to burst, especially under the eyes, making under eye shadows look even worse. - Source

3) Have sufficient sleep - ok, this is not EXACTLY why dark circles occur. It's a matter of colour and reflection. Read on.
Why: Lack of sleep can make skin look pale, allowing blood vessels to show through and give the appearance of dark circles. - Source

4) People with seemingly big eyes have dark circles.
Why: Ok, this is because people with bigger eyes will need a larger eye socket to support the eye ball, hence it casts a shadow underneath the skin which made it looked like dark rings. When it's actually not. People with large eyes aren't necessary having the best life and privileges. :P

5) Be very gentle when removing eye makeups.
Why: Refer to point 1.

To be continued...

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