Tuesday, September 2, 2008


A random speech with my friend reminded something which I thought of sharing with you guys.

To begin with, I think being a woman sucks the biggest time of all.

Why so? Ok, this was what happened.

So, last weekend when I was out for dinner with dad, there is this couple sitting rite opposite me. Guy was in blue, his pregnant wife (reckon at least 8 mths pregnant) in pink , very typical colors which contrasted both sexes.

I got barbaric, this overwhelming and crude thought came into my mind: Man are made to spread his offspring, while women are made to CARRY his offspring to spread.

So man actually plants his thing into women's tummy, this bizzare thingy grows non-stop for 10 months. Whether or not the woman like it, she's bound to carry it for the next 10 months and suffer - while men sits there comfortably, no deform, no tummy with weird tumor growing in.

Guy remains the same while the woman gets bloated like some balloon. It's batshit gross can? (yes, the word is "gross" and not "unfair" or whichsoever. No idea why this word cross my mind back then) And why is it that the thingy gets out after the woman going through so much miseries plus deformities, the guy gets to claim the thingy his by naming that thing after his surname?

Conclusion: I need a shrink. Such thoughts are extremely against the works of mother nature and hell, not encouraged to ponder on.

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