Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Okok, I know this news is lil' passé. Forgive me

From Stomp
To the shock of a Pasir Ris resident, this teenage couple clad in school uniform, were seen indulging in public displays of affections right at the neighbourhood playground.

In an email to STOMP, MZ said:"This is ridiculous and shameful, in public and under the sun in school uniform. "The teenager couple were seen rolling on the playground at Pasir Ris Street 21 , Blocks 223. "It was 13:00 pm, I came back and heard some moaning noise and looked out of my window.

"My wife and kids saw this teenage couple in uniform from kissing and performing immoral acts right under the sun at the play ground. "We think this is too much.... and it's in the children's play ground.

"Greenview Secondary's Mr Koh Kok Khai (the principal from my time was named pika chu if my memory didn't fail me. Awwww~) clarifies that these students are NOT from the school.

1) DON'T WORRY FELLOW SCHOOLMATES, NOT OUR JUNIORS. Looks like Siglap's (the girl's uniform) though. *ahem* no offence. Just a presumption.

2) There's even a video, can you believe it? I don't understand how can one possibly video cam another just for the 5 seconds of fame. Why haven't it occur to them they are indirectly invading into other's piracy leh? This is how bo liao we people can get.

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