Thursday, August 27, 2009

"B" healthy!

Via Wikipeadia

The B vitamins are eight water-soluble vitamins that play important roles in cell metabolism. Historically, the B vitamins were once thought to be a single vitamin, referred to as vitamin B (much as people refer to vitamin C or vitamin D). Later research showed that they are chemically distinct vitamins that often coexist in the same foods. Supplements containing all eight are generally referred to as a vitamin B complex. Individual B vitamin supplements are referred to by the specific name of each vitamin (e.g. B1, B2, B3 etc ).

The B-complex vitamins are actually a group of eight vitamins, which include:
thiamine (B1)
riboflavin (B2)
niacin (B3)
pantothenic acid (B5)
pyridoxine (B6)
cyanocobalamin (B12)
folic acid

These vitamins are essential for:
  • The breakdown of carbohydrates into glucose (this provides energy for the body)
  • The breakdown of fats and proteins (which aids the normal functioning of the nervous system)
  • Muscle tone in the stomach and intestinal tract
  • Skin
  • Hair
  • Eyes
  • Mouth
  • Liver


What I'm taking:

Nutrilite's Natural B complex

Naturally derived from cultured, deactivated yeast

One tablet provides 100% or more of the US RDI of all 7 B vitamins - B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, folic acid, and B12; plus inositol and PABA (para-amino-benzoic-acid), that all adult men and women need.

Water-soluble B-complex vitamins assist in the release of energy from fats, carbohydrates and proteins, to meet added energy needs brought on by stressful living.

Helps promote healthy skin, nails, hair and eyes.

Essential for the development of red blood cells as well as the normal functioning of the nervous system.

Alcohol, smoking, caffeine, dieting and the use of birth control pills can deplete the body of B-vitamins.


A success story I'd like to share with you guys. My dad had been a victim of some vicious insomnia for the past 15 (or so) years and the fact that he has less than 4 hours of very ill-quality sleep was ultimately, at the expense of his health.

He often experience headache, lost of concentration, bad breath, lost of appetite and many more which you and I could possibly imagine.

Even worst, he had short-term memory loss. He was telling me one day he stood in the middle of the somewhere where he:

1) forgotten why he ended up there,

2) didn't know where he was,

3) couldn't remember the way home,

4) couldn't remember how to use his mobile phone.

Apparently he was somewhere near my block and was heading to the market to get some vegetables. Then that's it, he suddenly couldn't remember a thing until some 10 minutes later where he regained his memory.

That caused my dad to suffer some mild depression. As a victim of depression myself, I could see the symptoms fairly well and thus, concluded that dad was upset with him losing his touch for things.

It appears that he simply cannot get to sleep and it was indeed a very worrying scene for his daughter, whom relies him so much as the pillar of her life.

I was helpless. Like how I was when my hormone changed and nothing seemed to help. I was witnessing dad's sickness without any prominent solution.

Very fortunately, I came contact with a friend whom subsquently introduced me to Nutrilite. He was the same friend whom actually showed me the wellness of Artistry. If Artistry could work for me, why not take a shot in the supplements he mentioned that sounded so much of a wonder?

(Note that I was a very stubborn person who does not believe in supplements. I'd rather take fruits and vegetable. But well, all of us we know, it-is-just-not-enough)

I told them about dad's nasty case and they recommanded him to take B-complex and Calcium-Magnesium. I bought it. Dad tried it.

Initially it didn't worked. I ask him to persist. He did as told.

When the supplements starts regulating, he was still have very short naps. About 2 hours max. But he woke up feeling less lethargic he said. He wasn't having subconscious sleeps anymore. He had a short but good, full 2 hours rest.

Through and fro, I calculated he had a total of 5 naps in that day itself. That's about 10 hours if you put it. Albeit the rest was done staggardly and not a full 10 hours, dad felt more and more relaxed because of the amount of rest he was getting.

And now, he's on the way to recovery and insomnia-less soon. I'm a happy girl.

In short, that was how I started believing in supplements. None other but those I'm consuming now. Not that others aren't good. I'm in no position to comment because I've yet tried. But why should I when I found one that truly works for me? And of course, I did my homework before trusting any supplements to be allow inside my mouth.

Today, dad is much healthier and taking the supplements at his very own willingness. Every day without fail. Can even remind me that his Bio-C is finishing. Hah.

Me? I was telling my friends, "I can leave the house without my mobile, but alas, not without my supplements!"


So, "B" healthy my dear. Health is wealth.


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