Friday, August 29, 2008

Beauty tips (part 2)

Beauty tips part 1 here

  1. Get into the habit of wearing rubber gloves when you do any cleaning around the house. This will help you hands stay younger looking. Cleaning agents can be extremely harsh on both nails and hands.

  2. Glycolic Peels are best to be scheduled in the fall or winter, as you need to stay out of the sun after having them done.

  3. If you get a deep, dark or bright paint job on you nails, consider buying a bottle of the polish to take home - these shades chip more often and more noticeably. (Brighter and darker color chips easily. That would means, only the nude color stays. hmmm)

  4. If you want thick eye lashes without clumps, start with a white or translucent primer. One coat of the primer will help the mascara go on smoothly. (Provided you coat your mascara correctly too. Else primer or not, still clumps)

  5. If you want to be sure that your foundation, blush, or pressed powder is not clogging your pores, and causing you to break out make sure it is oil-free. If the label states: Non-comedogenic or oil free, it is safe to use. Otherwise, toss it! (I said this before! Mark this tip ladies and gentlemen, important)

  6. If your skin is dry and flakey, do not use a toner that has alcohol in it. Alcohol is famous for drying out skin. You can just skip the toner all together ~ just be sure to apply a moisturizer that contains sunscreen. (For alcohol free toner, try this brand call "Simple". Credit goes to Miss Phelp)

  7. It's beauty that captures your attention; personality which captures your heart.

  8. Lipsticks are made of 95% wax, and they will go rancid after 3 years. Lip gloss is a better bet, as long as the safety seal is intact and the tube is clear it is most likely safe to use.

  9. Many African-American women have skin that is slightly darker on the forehead than on the rest of the face. Don’t overcompensate by adding extra layers of makeup elsewhere - use two different shades, and be sure to blend well with your clean fingers.

  10. Many lipsticks contain lead as an ingredient. The average woman consumes one stick of lipstick a year. Be sure that your lipstick is lead-free.

  11. NEVER dab toothpaste on a zit! The truth is that yes, toothpaste is drying - but it can also be irritating, and fluoride and tartar-control ingredients have actually been proven to make pimples worse. To speed the healing of a pimple, crush an aspirin, and blend it with water to make a paste. Aspirin contains a high concentration of salicylic acid, the same beta hydroxyl acid that’s in countless blemish products. (Just be sure to dilute it with water to avoid irritation, and to skip the trick altogether if you’re allergic to aspirin.) (I AM SO GOING TO TRY THIS)

  12. No matter how big the mustache, or how thick the eyebrows, never raise a razor to your face. (I shave my brows, don't fancy any disasters thou)

  13. Reapply topcoat every other day to keep nail polish from chipping.

  14. Shoulder length hair is usually flattering to any woman.

  15. Test foundation on your jaw line - not your hand to find the perfect match.

  16. The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart. ~Hellen Keller ~

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