Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Kissing hand leads to Outrage of Modesty

KISSING the back of a woman’s hand may be an age-old gentlemanly form of greeting - when permission is granted.

But when a teenage girl was suddenly approached by a stranger who planted an uninvited kiss on her hand on Sept 7, she complained to her father, who then called the police.

On Tuesday, Seah Boon Teong, 36, who works as a security officer, was sentenced to six months jail in a district court for outraging the modesty of the 19-year-old girl.

The dishevelled man who has been remanded since Sept 9 stole a quick glance around the courtroom as he was led away by police officers.

The girl was walking her dog in front of the Buona Vista Swimming Complex that morning, according to court documents.

Seah, who was also walking his dog, suddenly approached the girl and held on to her left shoulder to get her attention.

He then held her left hand and kissed the back of it. Outraged, the girl pulled her hand away and went home.

She told her father about what had happened and both of them went to look for Seah.They found him still lurking in the vicinity of the swimming complex.

While they trailed him, the girl’s father called the police who later arrested Seah.


I can't find the original source of this article so am not sure how real is this. Well if it really is factual, then my comments are as follows:

Uncles, ah peks and ah boys, next time don't suka suka go kiss a girl at the back of her hand ah. Wait people sue you then you know. 6 months jail hor.

Sometimes I do pity men in Singapore - they'll never know when will they be sued. But undeniably, kissing the back of some female stranger's hand does call some bewilderment from my point of view.

What if tomorrow there's news saying that man gets sued by a woman for kissing her? And that the female claims she doesn't know that particular man and sues him for OOM (Outrage of Modesty)? Cannot be lah huh, the man will be able to provide proofs to show he knows the woman.

Then for the above case, I wonder if there's any witness to prove that the 36 year old Seah did actually outraged her? If don't have, how can the judge convict him leh? Check fingerprint on the girls shoulder meh?

So much for those fairy tales and princes kissing the back of princessess' hand. Prince or no prince, you're gonna get it here in Singapore.

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