Monday, July 6, 2009

Bonjour Lundi!

That says "Hello Monday!"

I wanted to blog about my climb, BUT I forgot to upload the montaged pictures to photobucket so... shall blog about something random then!


Remember I was saying I wanted to paint my nails black? Well it eventually turned out to be this:

Metallic-granny-pink with nail stickers and blings. I bought this colour years back and regretted buying it because it looked quite awful on me so pretty much it was left to grow dust until that faithful day.


Amazingly quite nice leh this time I try! Prolly because I've gotten at least 2 shades darker than before thus I can sorta carry off this metallic pink already. (funny thing I realised is I like to see colors on my nail whenever my exam period comes near)

Then I played with my long-time-never-touch decos and tadaaah! That's what we have - a buang masterpiece. Crappy because I was sooooo in need for the loo and couldn't wait anymore. And so I went to pee with my half dried nails, unbuckle my short's buttons... and.. and.. and... oh, I can't bring myself to continue! It's too antagonising. What could be worst than a destroyed nail art you tell me?!?!?! *bimbo*



*screams like the below*

For those of you who dunno wth is a wagyu beef and hence my exclamation - read here.

I'm telling you lor, the steaks cost about $70 bucks per se. Imagining eating out there. Can easily shoot up to $120 and above. I luuuuuurve quality beefs!

Pardon me for the blurry picture. 1) I was too impatient to attempt for a better shot, 2) No amount of pictures taken by my Canon Ixus 75 (I know, lkk already) will do justice to the beef's succulence.


(Shit, I suddenly remembered I should have savoured them with my bottle of red wine! Wasted. Tsk!)

K lah, mum got it at a cheaper price because of staff purchase and intelligently, she had the excess fats sliced off thus saved abit more. (the prices go by per 100 gram) Mua ha ha ha.

And the funniest thing is, my religion (particularly my dad) does not allow us to eat beef. Let alone bringing beef back to eat. Half of the time I was in cold sweat while my mum cooked the steak, discreetly. I mean, my dad's too smart be kept in the dark anyway.

Was telling my colleagues that I fear my dad will divorce my mum because of this. LOL. Hello, this was the first time my mum brought beef back and we ate it under the same roof as my dad k! Homicide can happen anytime I tell you! Wah piang oei~

Nevertheless the fear were well worthed. IT WAS MAD TASTY. The steak was good even thou my mum had one piece slightly overdone (for my liking). It was still tender like chicken breast meat. Surprisingly. The medium done one literally "melted" in my mouth omg I went spastic.

You know? S-P-A-S-T-I-C. Ser-pah-steak!!! SPASTIC!!!! I'm sure you can feel what I'm trying to make you feel. No?

Having tried that, I vowed not to eat other steak unless it's wagyu or black angus or by any chance, quality beefs (reads: mtfk expensive!). Hmpf! Those out there are craps lor. Crap crap crap.



Good food makes good mood. Yea?

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