Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Cin's skincare demo


Zillionth time the team came up to my place for the skincare demo. 'Cept on different people only.

One interesting thing I learnt as a onlooker - I realised with Ann and Cin, they seem to be "abusing" their skin. By saying that I don't mean they pull or literally abuse-abuse the face tissue. But abusing in the sense that they are pretty rough with it, dragging along the skin while they were using remover to remove their makeups. They were perpetually rubbing it off rather than wiping it off. You can literally see the amount of strength they use while removing the deposits.

So my dears, do take note and not to be overly unfriendly to your face. Avoid excessive pulling when applying whichever skincare or makeup product to avoid early sagging. If possible, always use the dabbing method for application and gently wiping (not rubbing for christ sake!) the deposits.



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