Monday, April 6, 2009

Plunging butterfly

Not surprised at all.

(Click to enlarge)

Her recent album is an utter disappointment. I wonder where has she set her focus on these days.

It seems like she's putting it alot of effort in her dancesteps (and venturing on other businesses) rather that the vocal; her hit songs were way beneath ideal. I'd say I'll most likely spend my moolahs on other new singers if that's the case.

Trying to penetrate into the Western's pop market? I seriously have my doubts. So what if she's dueted background vocal-ed for diva Kylie Minogue? She'd perish in no time if the company doesn't hold on to the existing Asian, die-hard fans.

That includes yours truly, whom fan-see her for the past decade.

Well several articles had reported that she's into her own line of fashion apparel "72 changes" recently, aside from the Art director of Opps!J. Probably she should stop singing already, rather than tarnishing her own reputation in the music industry which she built with so much effort.

Let's just pray hard her new company comes up with a better piece of work in future.

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