Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The childhood friend's wedding

Like many other's, this childhood friend of mine finally found her happiness and tie the knot.

I remember since we were toddlers, I used to be babysitted by her mum and naturally we'd play together, grow up together and of course, enter the kindergarten together.

We were quite inseparable even with our names. While mine chinese name rhymes with the digit "1" and "0", her's rhymes with "4" and "0". The adults often won a bit of extra allowance from buying lottery from our names.

And it turned out she's getting married this month. My family were all invited to share her joy.

So this interesting conversation with dad came about, which is the main idea of this blog entry.

"Daddy, are you going to be embarrassed?"

"Huh? For what?"

"For me. You know, still unattached. I know mum will be~ she's so full of pride."


"Like, you know, your friends will all be there. And they will definitely know you have a daughter. Plus, your daughter not exactly unpleasant. Quite pretty actually, and intelligent too (I really did say that. Wahahaha) so how come still unattached, right?"

"Um hmm."

"So will they think something's wrong with your daughter? You know those old people..."

*dry laugh* "I'm unlike your mum. I'm very selfish. I would rather you not marry."

"Heh? Why? Aren't you worry that I have no one to take care of me when you go?"

"Chey, if I'm dying where got time to think so much?"

" (=.="' ) ....."

"But what if they start asking you how come your daughter still "no result"??"

"I'll tell them, those guys, if they are not graduates they better don't even think of coming close to my daughter"

******end of conversation******

Very contradicting I feel. Dad is selfless yet selfish at the same time. Selfless because of his unconditional love for his daughter, so much so that he selfishly denies the fact that his daughter might someday, be another man's wife afterall.

On top of that, I think he is protecting me like any other dad out there.. Either way, I feel dad's selflessness and selfishness are both, for my well being.

The issue of single ain't affecting me. It's the peers sometimes, that gets me a lil' edgy. Especially if they start asking my parents. It is not disgraceful, as much as what my dad feels. I too, agree. Because I'm enjoying my life as much as a life could be being a single. Maybe I'll feel the otherwise when I'm older. Much older. Not now, definitely.

But as far as my mum is concerned, she is like many others, whom traditionally feels that a woman must be married off and be a mum and die being a missus. That is where my pressure starts. Weirdly, this issue only appears to be kicking in now. I'm a 25 afterall. No longer young. Well correction, I think I am young and very much left for me to strive and achieve for. But the fact that many people around my age, gets married it's like the prime time to getting hitched now or else - never. Insane.

And that trend puts me in this difficult position.

Maybe I should migrate to the West.

Worst, people keep asking me if I got a boyfriend already not. For the past 4 year, NO. And for the next few years, maybe even decades, I don't see a YES either. So quit asking me. I'm leading a happy and respected life which I deem fit for. Kapeesh?


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